
Poppy Cup Awarded to South End Infant School

We are so proud to announce that for the first time ever, South End Infant School have been awarded the Poppy Cup by the Royal British Legion!! This is a spectacular achievement, especially for an Infant School. A big thank you to the members of our School Council for receiving the award during a special assembly, as well as all our families who helped to raise money for such an amazing cause.


Members from the Royal Bristish Legion, past and present, as well as a reporter from a local newspaper attended the occasion. The link for his report is below:


Lynne Baker from the RBL stated that the key points behind being awarded the Poppy Cup were as follows:


1.   Money raised throughout the two-week period of remembrance per pupil for the annual Poppy Appeal, (e.g total sum raised divided by pupils on roll).


2.   The school's commitment towards Remembrance, through activities, school projects and education throughout the year.


3.  Further examples such as, participation in services of remembrance, art displays, poetry and writing, visits, talks including visiting speakers, opportune occasions to convey the message of Remembrance, holding events connected to remembrance, holding assemblies in the period leading up to Remembrance, organised visits or talks, (including visiting speakers) in the period of Remembrance, taking part in community events, for example parades and acts of Remembrance.
