

The Early Years Foundation Stage - What To Expect When

Top Tips for reading with your child.



Reading Video 1

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Reading Video 2

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Reading Bears...shhhhhhhhhh


How We Learn To Read - Sounds Write Information


We follow a scheme called "Sounds Write."  The scheme is effective and well structured.  It promotes quality teaching/learning and consistency across classes and year groups.  All our teachers are fully trained in delivering the phonics programme.





Click the link to listen to how we pronounce the letter sounds a-z (initial code).


Visit the official Sounds Write Page:

Phonics: CVC Blending

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Blending phonemes (letter sounds) to read.

Reading Scheme Books


Our reading scheme/colour band books match our class phonic learning.  We learn phonics through a scheme called Sounds Write. 

The reading books match the order in which we teach letter sounds.  The first sounds (phonemes) we teach are a i m s t.  The first reading band books we allocate mirror this.  The colour book allocation changes as your child progresses in phonics and with Rainbow Word learning; growing confident, successful readers. 

We also look at comprehension, discussing illustrations and story plot.  We talk about how the story might end and ask if they like the book and/or characters.  Children keep their reading scheme book for 2-3 days, encouraging them to re-read the text/s.  This cements letter sound learning, refines segmenting and blending skills, improves fluency and aids comprehension.  It also builds confidence.


If you need any extra reading information or support, please pop in and see the EYFS team.





Pencil grip and lower case letter formation.  We learn to write in lower case, only using capital letters for the beginning of a name or sentence.  We use a scheme called Kinetic Letters.

Kinetic Letters® material is subject to the normal copyright rules and so must not be copied without permission.





Maths (Number, Shape and Measure)

Visit White Rose Maths to view the resources on which we base our curriculum:

